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Tag Archives: Movie Reviews

Review: The Hurt Locker by DrChocolate

DrChocolate sees the movies I can’t afford to see in theaters and reviews them, so this site can stay more up-to-date. Like a bomb itself, The Hurt Locker arrives innocuously enough, but quickly reveals itself as tightly packaged bit of celluloid that seems primed to explode at the slightest touch. It is easily the most […]

Review: Disney’s A Christmas Carol by DrChocolate

DrChocolate sees the movies I can’t afford to see in theaters and reviews them, so this site can stay more up-to-date. For roughly the past fifteen years I have read Dickens’ A Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve, finishing the fifth stave Christmas morning, matching the stories timeline. I adore the book and am more familiar […]

Review: Where the Wild Things Are by DrChocolate

DrChocolate sees the movies I can’t afford to see in theaters and reviews them, so this site can stay more up-to-date. Where the Wild Things Are is not safe. It is not sanitized. It’s not cutsie and it’s definitely not the product of corporate meddling. In other words its just like the classic book it […]

Review: Irreversible by DrChocolate

DrChocolate helps me out with movie reviews from time to time due to my limited budget. The review below is for a movie that contains very graphic and violent scenes. Those scenes are addressed in the review, so read at your own discretion. While I feel his analysis of those scenes and the effect they […]

Review: Adventureland by DrChocolate

Kyle Terry is DrChocolate and my good friend from college who I asked to help me out with my movie reviews. My budget limits the amount of movies I can see and the good Dr, while having similar taste in movies as me, often has differing viewpoints that I think are valuable to the site. […]